Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Winter Day

By Mary

We had our winter yesterday at the International Antarctic Centre that demonstrates Antarctica. One room was a SNOW STORM room and we even had to
wear a coat and rubber shoes to keep us from freezing. Inside the room there was real snow and ice! There was also a real Igloo and ice slide. All of a sudden a strong and very cold wind blew and it was freezing! We watched the thermometer's temperature drop to -8 Celsius. It lasted 10 minutes and we shivered. I was glad when it was over.

There was a room full of Blue Penguins with three viewing areas that you could see penguins. One was under water and the other two were at the sides. All of the penguins were rescued and many were blind or injured. The penguin with pink booties (in the picture) has infected feet. Tags around their wings shows which penguin is which. They had names like Elvis, Bagpipes, and Pengu, We watched them getting fed from under water. It was amazing because the penguins would come swooping down for the fish.
Next we rode in an antarctic vehicle called a Hagglund. We sat in the front and the driver went super fast up and down steep hills. One hill ended up in a gigantic one meter deep puddle. The driver told us we that the Hagglund would float but it started to leak. After a moment he quickly drove right out. He said that when he gets bored, he goes much faster. (I think he was bored). My mom was screaming the whole ride.

It's a good thing that winter is over and now I can jump in the pool again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's the way to enjoy winter! You get to leave it behind! When they heard you were Canadian did they offer you jobs in there? We're having some lovely winter weather but no dips in the pool for us! Enjoy and keep the blogs coming. Three sleeps until the big day!
