Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Hardest Pancakes

By Hannah

Normally it takes just minutes to make a batch of pancakes, but in Paparoa National Park, it takes millions of years. These pancakes aren't just any pancakes, they are "rock hard" pancakes because they are made of rock.
Over the years erosion, rainwater and seawater have formed the limestone into layered rocks resembling a giant stack of pancakes. The force of water has also created blowholes in some of these rocks.
Being at the rocks was amazing. Giant waves would crash up against them making roaring sounds and sometimes leaving us wet from their spray. Occasionally the waves would build up and then boom out of a blowhole.

Punakaiki Rocks was a great day, but Mary and Eric were a bit disappointed because my dad said they could eat as many pancakes as they could get.
What an amazing adventure!


  1. Cool rock formations! It reminds me of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. Could you walk out to the very edge to look at the sea or was it too dangerous? Sharon for JACKS

  2. Wicked photos! Did you jump off the edge into the sea? I once made pancakes that hard - a little syrup and they were fine! Jeff for JACKS

  3. Sharon,
    There was a path you had to walk on but you could get pretty close to the edge. We also got to walk on all different parts of the rocks. Into caverns and on bridges to overlook blowholes.

  4. I remember those pancakes from camping! And the syrup only helped a bit.
