Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Earthquakes Galore

By Eric

I've learned that here in Christchurch there were 18 earthquakes on December 26. We were driving through the city just after one and we heard sirens and alarms everywhere! We didn't feel it because we were in the car.

In New Zealand there are about 14,000 earthquakes a year!!! Earthquakes are caused by plates in the earth that shift. New Zealand is on the crack of 2 plates and this is called the Ring of Fire. In September there was a BIG one (7.1 on the Richter Scale) and there are still roads blocked off, broken glass on buildings, and big holes in houses!!! No one died because the houses are strong, but in Haiti lots of people died because their houses aren't strong enough. That is sad.

If there is an earthquake we will hide under the kitchen table or a door frame.
I'm glad there are no big earthquakes in Canada.


  1. I heard about the earthquake on the news and was so happy that you were all safe.Oma

  2. To all the Bloggers
    A Very Happy New Year!
    Joyce and Ellie
