Saturday, November 13, 2010

Never Ending Tunnels

By Eric

Today on Waiheke Island we went to Fort Stony Batter that was built during World War ll. I learned that New Zealand was afraid that the German or Japanese army might attack them so they were going to build 3 HUGE guns! But they ran out of money. In 1941 the USA gave more money to finish the fort (only 2 guns were finally built)!

Tunnels were built for the soldiers to get to the huge guns. We went into a tunnel that was 20 metres below the ground. It took an hour to go through one kilometre of dark tunnels, chambers and long, long staircases. There was no electricity and we used flashlights to see where we were going. It was sometimes frightening because we were so deep in the tunnels that we felt we couldn't get out.

I felt like Indiana Jones. Plus there was even a cave that was named The Indiana Jones Cave because it was caved in. This day was a-MAZE-ing!


  1. hello,I wouldn't go in those tunnels if i were there! Bye he he he

  2. from now n I will call you Indiana Smit, amazing Oma

  3. but that is reely cool thay could almost shoot you out of one of the guns

  4. What a perfect place to visit around Remembrance Day! Imagine the soldiers who had to walk through those tunnels to get to work everyday!

  5. Great tour! Eric would have made for great ammo - could have been a stink bomb! Looks like an interesting day.
