Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Right Side Up or Upside Down?

By Eric

I've learned that the whole solar system is upside down! When we were camping a few nights ago I noticed that the moon looked upside down. It felt weird so I took this picture.
Do you notice any thing different?

Last night I went to an Observatory that was built in 1903. We went inside the small building and a sphere shaped wood ceiling opened up with a pulley. I got to see Jupiter through a four meter long telescope. It looked like a circle with brown stripes.

I learned that instead of the Big Dipper that we see in Canada, there's the Southern Cross here in New Zealand. All the stars in Canada are different. The solar system can sometimes be very fascinating.

So who is upside down?


  1. Eric!its Karim...i miss you a lot!

  2. Eric, you have already learned so much about stars - will you try to remember so you can tell us all about it when you get home?
    -T. Trudy

  3. Blake says: Cool! I seen some stars on holloween.

  4. Mickaula said: This must be a very fun trip. I wish I was there with you. (I miss you guys.)
